Wednesday, April 6, 2011

IF Issue: Wednesday April 6, 2011

4/5/11- Bob’s interview with "Curtis Wright on the beat"
"Right On Campus TV"
(Audio clip is at the bottom right corner, "The Economic Times")

U.S. Markets

As each day passes the US dollar loses prestige and its status as a world reserve currency. Washington and Wall Street pay little attention to its slide and the changes a lower dollar and loss of reserve status will bring. Once the dollar is dethroned Americans will have to learn to live on the edges of the economic and financial world. Those of you who have not read G. Edward Griffins’ “Creature from Jekyll Island” should. It tells you why the Federal Reserve was created and why the Federal Reserve was created and what its function is. It also shows you why except for Wall Street, banking and selected elitist corporations why the system was designed to self-destruct. If you read economic and financial history you will discover why such economic and financial destruction takes place repeatedly and that more often than not does not happen due to incompetence, war or error, but it is planned that way. What has happened to the dollar since Bretton Woods and the planned removal of gold backing from the dollar is an example of deliberate destruction and in that process the destruction of the greatest nation in history. In that process of 97 years the wealthy and connected have become wealthier and powerful and have become even more so. They truly expect to exit this maelstrom and war as the leaders of the future. We have news for them. The power of talk radio and the Internet stretches worldwide and the world now understands what they are up too, and they are not going to be successful in their efforts to bring about world government. The collapse of the dollar is but one aspect in the change planned in the shift in world power.
The US budget deficit is a manifestation of the decline of America, its Executive, House and Senate 95% controlled by interests from behind the scenes. The agenda is not for the American people, the constituents, who put these people in power, but for the moneyed few who totally control them via campaign contributions, lobbying and other various nefarious means. We presently are being offered up a budget cut in a $1.7 billion budget deficit. What can the people behind the scenes be thinking of unless they want the government debt structure to implode?

Rising energy and food costs will push consumer inflation in Canada toward the upper end of the central bank's comfort zone, business leaders said in a survey released on Monday.
            The results of the Bank of Canada's first-quarter business outlook survey could pressure the central bank to raise its key interest rate by mid-year as it seeks to keep inflation at the midpoint of its 1-3 percent target range.
            Fifty-eight percent of the senior business managers who participated in the poll predicted annual inflation between 2 percent and 3 percent over the next two years, up from 44 percent who thought that in the fourth quarter of last year.
            The percentage who saw inflation at 1-2 percent, the lower end of the range, fell to 21 percent from 47 percent. The majority still see CPI staying within the accepted range.
            Analysts said growing price pressures could force the bank to raise interest rates as early as July.
            "Stronger growth along with indications of rising inflationary expectations implies the growing need for the Bank of Canada to return to tightening mode," said Paul Ferley, assistant chief economist at the Royal Bank of Canada.

"The military buildup of NATO to Russian borders clearly indicates that the preparation for aggression is in full swing.
"The fact that the British, with the approval of our Ukrainian brothers, are honing the skills of warfare in the Crimea near Sevastopol, too, speaks volumes. These are the links of one chain, because since the establishment of the Rockefeller, International oligarchic capital has adopted a common policy of aggression against other countries.
"In fact, if we draw historical parallels, the world is in a state of 1939, i.e., before the start of a global war, whose precursor is the aggression of the U.S. and its satellites against Iraq and Afghanistan, and this time against Libya. The only question is when this "Black Sea Libya" happens.
