Saturday, August 13, 2011

IF Issue: Saturday August 13, 2011

Excerpts from the latest issue:

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - August 12, 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 08 Aug 2011 – Dr. Stan

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - August 10, 2011

Bob with Kerry Lutz

Episode 103: Live with Bob Chapman
By derekdreamer1


Markets have certainly fallen quickly. It was only on 12,721 on July 21 and now we are looking at a low close of 11.269 after a 500-point PPT arrangement. There is no question investors didn’t like the bill encompassing debt extension, nor the perceived cuts to be made. That was followed by a long awaited fall-in the debt rating of the US by the S&P. At the same time the financial and economic conditions in Europe worsen with Italy officially joining the ranks of near insolvency. These events were accompanied by calls for the president to bypass the Constitution or to use the 14th Amendment to bring about the debt extension. Under a façade of political wrangling as a cover the real impetus for the standoff became obvious. The whole exercise was not only about debt extension that could have been settled in 15 minutes, but about cutting individually paid for plans, such as Social Security and Medicare, which will eventually lead to a corporatist fascist dictatorship. This super-Congress is very reminiscent of the 13th century “Star Chamber”, the Soviet Politburo, or Adolph Hitler’s 1933 “Enabling Act.”
All and all the credit worthiness of the US government has been changed for sometime to come. Confidence no longer reigns regarding America’s fiscal condition. The US government, American citizens and corporate Americans have grown over the last 20 years not by increased production, but by the creation of money and credit and the borrowing and use of financial expediency. This condition was aided over the past few years by very low interest rates. The only exception being credit card lending by shylock banks. Whether Wall Street and banking realize it or not the transnational conglomerates with tax free incentives have all but destroyed America’s industrial base, and there can be no way back economically until that condition changes. That change can come about with the re-imposition of trade barriers on goods and services that served America so well for more than 200 years. If you look at the situation objectively you will see none of this happened by chance, it was planned this way.
There is little doubt that QE and stimulus 2 have been busts. They may have carried the economy this past year, but 1.3% growth is feeble when compared to the $1.8 trillion spent that we know about. Shipping rates for container ships are off about 10% during a peak time for usage. This leaves only one conclusion and that is trade is slowing down. Europe and Asia are seeing the same situation develop. These shipping rates reflected future business and coming on the heals of this GDP growth rates have fallen from 3.1% since December to 0.4% in March and the growth rate is still falling.
In Asia we have seen China and India increase interest rates a number of times, but like many other Asian countries they have far more inflation than they want. Some inflation is internally generated, but rates have been increased some 10 times to offset the inflation being caused by the monetizing of US dollars received from their exports. That has caused real inflation of more than 15%. The same is true throughout Asia to a somewhat lesser degree.
Europe is still mired in its own waste. They are frozen in the headlights. If they let the six problem countries leave the euro and go bankrupt their dream of a permanently united Europe will be over. Yet, the solvent participants now realize the cost of bailout collectively will be $4 to $6 trillion and that will render all the players insolvent. Like the Asians, Europe is paying an inflationary price for doing business with the US and England. Plus, they have been recipients of trillions of dollars from the US, which they haven’t paid back, to stay afloat.  Germany and its citizens have vented their anger at the polls that they want out of this euro mess and the EU. They are tired of picking up all the bills.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

IF Issue: Saturday August 6, 2011

Excerpts from the latest issue:

Bob Chapman: Debt Ceiling will=Political Coup d' etat by Global Banking Elite 2/2

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 1st Aug 2011- 3rd hour [FULL]

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 03 August 2011 – Melody Cedarstrom 

Ralph Evans: Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 03 Aug 2011

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist - August 3, 2011

Bob Chapman - Freedom Files - August 4, 2011 –JAMES BURNS

YOU.S.Desk (Press TV)

Congress bought and paid for by lobbies


The entire concept of keeping the economy functioning is based upon US dollar debasement via the creation of excess money and credit, which is accompanied by departments of government and Wall Street. Once in the past 11 years in particular we have seen lies, fraud, bogus statistics and Mickey Mouse bookkeeping. For good measure the powers behind government have thrown in the gutting of America’s industrial base by outsourcing and offshoring. As an extra temporary measure the Fed has bailed out the financial sectors in the US and Europe and continues to bail out the US Treasury. Who cares about currency debasement because it’s a cost of doing business.  
We just witnessed another piece of legislation to destroy Social Security, Medicare and to usurp the US Constitution’s power to govern America via a “star chamber” group of 12 bought and paid for political operatives. Their style of government is very reminiscent of Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany.
Currency debasement goes on relentlessly worldwide and now the Fed is hinting that a QE 3 may be needed. We expected those trial balloons to appear on or about August 15th to be followed during the first two weeks of September of an announcement and beginning of QE 3. We felt the $300 billion they could roll over from existing Treasuries would be exhausted around September 1st. We expect during August the Fed will make a major effort to sell CDOs and MBSs, better known as toxic waste to raise more capital. The question is how much will be lost in these latter transactions, that the American people will be responsible for? Again taxpayers pay for bank losses being laundered by the Fed, which a number of the banks involved own. These actions further demean the value of the dollar, cause worse inflation and force gold and silver related assets higher.
The desperate economic and financial positions of Americans worsen as a result of these actions. Despair reigns as fellow Americans lose jobs, vehicles and homes only to move in with relatives or descend to living under a bridge.
Inflation is now affecting corporate profits that had been robust via laying off employees that make up 70% of their cost structure and installing new labor saving machinery, so that they can lay off more workers. This is accomplished via administration tax breaks.
Retirement savings are being wiped out in this process as many reach a stage of desperation. Government is so concerned at this depletion of assets that a bill has been introduced into the Senate to limit withdrawals and the number of withdrawals. The dirty little secret is the government wants that $6 trillion for itself, for which it will issue, guaranteed annuities. Mind you the US government is broke. Another Ponzi scheme to pay this annuity with your own funds. Again, get out of your IRA’S, your 401K’S and retirement funds and if you can’t, borrow against them, and buy gold and silver coins, bullion and shares. Gold owes no one anything and for 6,000 years has been the only real money. If present actions by the Fed continue in 2013-2015, we will have hyperinflation and gold and silver will soar as the dollar and other fiat currencies lose value in a big way versus these two precious metals. For the last 11 years, versus nine major currencies, on average each year, have lost more than 20% annually versus gold and silver. What more proof do you need that a long-term trend is in tact and that trend is your friend? We are headed for a modern Weimar collapse or perhaps a Zimbabweization of the American and many other economies. All currencies and countries will be affected in varying degrees and in the end there will only be gold and silver that represents value. If you do not want to starve or you want to keep your wealth together the only safe place to be is in gold and silver related assets.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

IF Issue: Wednesday August 3, 2011

Ron Paul's Urgent Warning!

Bob Chapman on Gold and Silver prices

BobChapmanRADIO - Oracle Broadcasting - July 30, 2011 w/Melodee

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 29 July 2011 – Melody Cedarstrom

Radio Liberty July Double Show –Dr. Stan Monteith

Bob Chapman - THE POWER HOUR - August 1, 2011

Bob Chapman - Hard Money Watch - July 31, 2011 –Pat Gorman Show

Bob Chapman - Liberty Round Table -[FULL] August 1, 2011 – Sam Bushman

Bob Chapman - USAprepares Radio Show - August 2, 2011 w/Vincent Finelli


It was 15-months ago that we projected that the second half of 2011 and onward would present many financial and economic problems, and we have not been disappointed. There was federal debt and its renewal, which we are now suffering through, municipal debt problems, the lack of any kind of solid recovery and financial problems emanating from Europe. Making the situation more difficult is the statistical exposure at Princeton University that more than $5 trillion has been spent since 9/11 to create new wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Pakistan, with more in the works.
            Running neck and neck has been the federal debt issue and the second bailout of Greece and its affect on the debt problems of five other close to insolvent nations. Perhaps with the exception of Germany the world economy is in disarray. Every major economy otherwise is in trouble in one-way or another. That means we have a very unstable international monetary system in which some sovereign nations are in desperate shape.  The Keynesian effects of QE1 and 2 and stimulus 1 and 2 and their equivalents have thus far proved to be futile. In spite of that most nations are about to embrace QE 3 or something akin to it, and make the same mistakes over again.
We are now approaching the autumn session in the temperate zone and we advise you to hold on tightly to your seats, because this is going to be a very bumpy ride. The political antics being displayed in regard to the US debt extension are going to cause a fall out, particularly in the US Treasury market as interest rates again to start to rise. What you have witnessed in the US Congress is not inducive to stability and recovery. In fact just the opposite is the case. If you combine US with European problems you have double trouble.
Over in Europe the Greek crisis has become a European crisis. We wonder when Europe is going to wake up to the fact that Wall Street and the City of London are attempting to destroy the euro as a viable alternative to the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. In spite of this the euro has so far held its own, as the dollar has faded against not only the USDX, but against gold and silver as well. There are those who believe that the euro and the EU have been revitalized, but we see Europe somewhat differently. The movement of more nations into the euro has not been due to stability, but to a weakening US dollar and assistance from China and Russia. The elitist powers in NYC and Washington have no intention of losing the dollar as the world reserve currency.
We said 1-1/2 years ago that the solvent countries could not handle the bailout of six nations that were on the edge of bankruptcy. If the EU-IMF-bank bailout of Greece goes as planned within 1-1/2 years Greece will not have met its commitments and the game will be on again. There is no question at that point that the solvent nations will balk, the euro will fall and perhaps even the EU. That is because the contagion will have spread to the other five troubled countries. These events will in turn trigger the debt bombs in England and the US. The interconnectivity that the elitists wanted so badly will finely be their undoing. The precursor to this is the rating downgrade we have witnessed just recently.
