Thursday, December 29, 2011

IF Issue: Wednesday Dec 28, 2011

Excerpts and links from the latest issue:

Bob Chapman on Liberty Coin & Precious Metals Radio “America is Doomed if Ron Paul is Not Elected”

Bob Chapman "United States is doomed if we don't elect Ron Paul prt 1

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - December 19, 2011


Freedom Files with James Burns

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 23 December 2011

Liberty Talk Radio!! with Economist Bob Chapman!!
By Alex Horbol

Bob Chapman - USAprepares Radio Show - December 20, 2011


The game goes on, as German leadership tells us the euro is stable, even as it hits yearly lows. We are told the problem is a crisis in several member states. That may be true, but they all are inseparable. The reassurance from politicians and bankers to calm the market place is beginning to fall on deaf ears. No matter what the cause of the debt crisis it exists and leadership as yet cannot find a solution. Even short-term solutions, such as the use of the EFSF are not going to work. All they will do is gain time. In that process, what happens if France’s credit rating is cut one or two levels? How can France then continue to participate? The present French government has buried the government in losing investments, which we believe in June will force the electorate to choose the Front National to solve national problems. The public, as in most other countries are sick and tired of lies and incompetence from politicians, bankers and bureaucrats possessed with the creation of world government. At this point confidence in the euro is hanging by a thread and Europe’s leadership doesn’t know how to solve the problem. We have seen such crises of confidence often over the past 15 years. It is not unique, but the size of the euro zone is compelling, because the crisis touches so many people. Currency is the vehicle to bring about a solution, but if confidence is lost the currency cannot perform part of its role as monetization continues unabated, confidence continues to fall and inflation as a result flourishes.
It is not that EU leadership doesn’t want a solution; it is that there isn’t a solution, other then to purge the system. In that environment the politicians, bankers and bureaucrats have their power to control the people taken away from them and the citizens take back their countries and their liberty and freedom. The euro has been an unnatural experiment implanted as a nexus for world government. We predicted this in 1992 and nothing has changed. We expected failure and we now have that failure. After years of leveraged profits for the insiders the public is left with unpayable debt.
The debt bomb began with Greece, Ireland and Portugal. It has been followed by Belgium and now Italy and Spain. We see new commitments for bailouts, but will the funds materialize. We are talking more than $1 trillion and that will entail more bank reorganization that is bailouts. That is governments and the public, bailing out the banks again. The debt loads are enormous for sovereigns as well as bankers. European politicians and economists realize six sovereigns are in serious trouble for at least $6 trillion. $4 trillion will be need for Italy and Spain alone, that is just to keep them going sideways. To our way of thinking Greece is a black hole and after elections we believe it will finally default to be followed by Portugal, Ireland and Belgium. We can understand why the sovereigns are so concerned with the group of 6 and the stability of the euro. This is why, without fanfare and very discreetly the Bundesbank, loaned the ECB $644 billion. That is a very large sum of money even for Germany. This transfer loan has been listed under Target 2. We understand why the funds were needed, but will the German public be happy with the program? Remember, 65% were and are against such further programs.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

IF Issue: Saturday Dec 17, 2011

Excerpts and links from the latest issue:

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2011.12.13

Bob Chapman with Kerry Lutz 12/14/11

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - December 14, 2011

Bob Chapman on Freedom Files with James Burns

FFw/JB Podcast (12/15/2011): Bob Chapman

The Fed’s third quarter audit data shows a total system debt of 355% and of GDP, in spite of so-called de-leveraging. It is down from the second quarter’s 375% of GDP, but up from 264% a dozen years ago. Financial sector borrowing fell almost 50% in the quarter but non-financial debt increased while financial debt fell – a push so to speak. Unfortunately most of the debt growth emanated from Washington. That growth was $557 billion, of at a 14.1% annualized rate. Of course, what the federal government is doing is the antithesis of what they should be doing. Will these borrowings and debt continue, of course they will.
In 13 quarters Treasury debt is up $100 trillion an increase of almost $4.9 trillion, or by 92%. In three years Treasury debt rose from 16.2% of non-financial debt to 26.7% and total federal debt has increased from 46% of GDP to 78% of GDP. In 2007 federal non-financial debt grew from 3.3%. In 2010 it was 113%. Year-on-year total compensation rose only 2.8% as real inflation grew 11.6%. During that period corporate earnings set records. For the most part those earnings were achieved via layoffs. From the second thru the third quarters household debt fell 1.2% from a minus 0.6% and mortgage debt fell 1.8%, as consumer credit rose 1.2%.
Funding especially foreign funds of US bank branches has been wild and the Fed has done its best to obscure what they are up too. It looks like these foreign bank balances grew about $2.6 trillion.
The result is that pressure was relieved in Europe and the US went sideways in spite of massive increases in money and credit. Fed issuance is in a bubble and it is only a question of when it pops. It is not surprising that the American public believes we are headed in the wrong direction, some 70%. Only 39% approve of the administration’s financial policies. The GOP frontrunner Gingrich, if he ran against Obama today would lose 50% to 41%. It shows you how dumb Republicans are. Nominating a crook who is a guaranteed loser.
As we pointed out earnings were the highest in four years. Layoffs were part of that, plus a lowering of loan reserves, bank lending and possible losses were virtually unchanged and the to-big-to-fail banks were able to borrow money at no cost, while the public pays up to 35% for funds.
European banks are struggling to raise capital under BIS dictates. In that process they are selling off their best assets. Normally they would sell the worst assets, but presently losses would worsen their balance sheets, so they are forced to sell best assets to bolster the balance sheet to meet the reserve figures demanded by the Bank for International Settlements the banker’s bank. These sales tend to negatively affect markets. The higher the leverage, the worse the effect.
Via the Patriot Act the US government has declared war on Iran by invoking sanctions. This is under the guise of Iran supposedly having nuclear weapons, which is a figment of colonial Washington’s imagination. The elitists in Washington want to isolate the Iranian banking system and as a result Iran is preparing to shut off 40% of the world’s oil by shutting the Straits of Hormuz. The reason added to these actions by Treasury Secretary Geithner is that Iran is a primary money launderer. We see Iran’s being cut off from western banking providential, considering the state of western banking today. The Fed and the IMF are again scurrying around trying to save Europe from itself, a place where few are capable of making decisions. We call that contagion and Iran could be spared that. The drones are being shot down over Iran and the US keeps sending them. Next it will be air combat where the loss of life and equipment will be high.
In Europe the past few weeks have been disastrous. Confidence continues to erode as the plunge protection team holds up markets and attacks gold and silver. Greece continues in a standoff until there are February elections. If there are no elections nothing will ensue in a big way. Greece refuses to reduce sovereign debt and take any more austerity cuts. What all these masters of the universe don’t understand, or want to understand, is that Greek debt, in fact almost all debt, is unrepayable. What all governments have done by raising massive amounts of debt has frozen the productive private sector out of the market. The exceptions are AAA rated companies, almost of which just happen to be Illuminist run. Government spending is generally non-productive.
As we have seen recently even the elitists Super Congress Enabling Committee could not come to a conclusion on cutting US government debt. It shows you even under controlled circumstances that the kept Congress will not at all commit themselves to any kind of austerity.
Europe is about austerity and debt. The big question is will the Bundesbank take the easy way out? Will they print their way out now that selling bonds is difficult? Of course either printing or bonds or money is an answer or solution to the problem. Worse yet every currency is fiat and loaded by nothing and they are all unconnected. They call that spreading the misery. Growth is falling into the minus category, as Germany shows a third month of falling manufacturing orders.
In response to the economic situation, the European Commissioner for internal markets says, it will crackdown on credit agencies. These agencies are now finally doing their jobs and the commission wants to shoot the messenger. All they want is for the raters to create greater transparency and to explain their ratings. They went so far as to propose that raters be liable for financially punitive action when mistakes occur. What the commission wants is no ratings at all, so that they can operate in darkness. It complains about an S&P monopoly and that European downgrades should stop. These demands reflect the socialist-one-world attitude. If we can’t have things our way they should not exist at all. We know the attitude and culture; we lived there.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

IF Issue: Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

Excerpts and links from the latest issue:

Corbett Report Radio 029 – Talking History with Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - Dec. 10, 2011

Interview 431 – Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman - Blogtalk Radio - December 9, 2011

The Power Hour with Joyce Riley



Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 12 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd Hour - 12 Dec 2011


After watching Europe’s performance last week the only thing they really were after was an ESM, European Stabilization Mechanism, to tie down all EU nations to a tighter regional set up. As it turns out England and others did not agree. Britain obviously does not want to become part of a new treaty that deprives them of their sovereignty. This regional government concept appeared in the early 1960s and is now going to be pushed in Europe with the US to follow. Our question, is England just trying to protect the advantages of the “City of London,” or is the disagreement deeper than that? A new treaty will take two years for ratification, but in the meantime an agreement will hold forth on what can be called a handshake. Evidence is still out on whether this is an attempt by Germany to break up the euro zone and the EU or a genuine effort to set up a platform for world government. We know that since WWII that the internationalists have been setting up Europe as the foundation for world government. On the other hand we know that 65% to 70% of the German people want no part of it from any standpoint.
The main players in the end treated the debt crisis as a secondary problem, probably because the Federal Reserve had it covered for them. The only main player that displayed real nervousness was France’s Sarkozy. France had to have its banks bailed out and had to avoid one or two rating downgrades. Not only would those downgrades entail higher costs, but also they would impair France’s ability to help bailout the six unsound economies. The Fed is bailing out French banks short-term. Once the situation is more stable American short-term bond buyers will return and the Fed can concentrate aiding in other areas. That, of course, is if stability returns. Bailouts can only emanate from central banks and governments and any such operations in and of themselves are inflationary and if persistent will lead to hyperinflation.
This means all of the banks in the solvent countries will have to be nationalized, all or in part. At the same time these same banks and countries have to bail out the dreaded six countries. That will be a tall order, as some are not even cooperating. That could mean three or more of these countries could default leaving sound countries and their banks with big holes in their balance sheets. Overall none of this has been solved, because France and Germany were more interested in changing treaty rules than addressing the debt problem. These massive bailouts are on the way for the sound and the unsound, accompanied by higher inflation. Needless to say, all of this solves nothing on the short to intermediate term. It is another temporary respite. All we see is avoidance. Von Mises has told us only purging the system works. The bankers, politicians and bureaucrats do not want to see that happen, because the key to their power lies in the banking system and once purged their power is lost and countries are free to survive on their own. That is why the world has wars to keep the elitist bankers as our overseers. Under such circumstances nations are forced to amalgamate to bring order and to provide for the common defense. None of us are on the inside, so we do not know which avenue will be taken. Both choices mean lots more trouble ahead. The EU and the euro zone structures do not need to be changed, but the debt problem certainly needs to be addressed.
The quest for more power via the ESM is obvious to those in favor of world government. There will be nothing democratic about the ESM and most players will be appointees. Someone should tell these elitists bigger is not better and that more than half of Europe knows what they are up too. Whether it is called the EU, or Soviet Union, National Socialist Bund or the North American Union, they are all the same. They are totalitarian governments within one form of socialism at its core. This is government by appointment and regulation, which has no intention of letting the public participate. Every move or change will require no input from the people, only edicts from above.
That brings us to the position that England has taken. PM David Cameron is an elitist and one directly chosen at the Queen’s request. His position at last week’s meeting was surprising as he wanted guarantees of protection for the “City of London,” which supplies 40% of London’s jobs and 10% of jobs in England. This is the gang that was deeply involved in Bear Stearns, Lehman Bros., AIG and the Madoff scandals.
Among other things, Britain has objected and threatened to veto any kind of tax, even 1%, which on a compound basis would be far higher. Cameron believes this would cause financial sector business to move to Frankfurt. This rebellion within the EU ranks has far reaching implications. Cameron is no conservative and is part of the elitist operatives; obviously few of these characters trust each other. This is why England never committed to the euro. Cameron’s action has finally set Britain apart from the EU, never to join the euro, and cuts England off in part from the attempted consolidation on the Continent. That means it will have difficulty in fronting for American interests, and such interests will become more transparent.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

IF Issue: Saturday, Dec 10, 2011

Excerpts and links from the latest issue:

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - Dec. 5, 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 05 Dec 2011
Bob Chapman - RealNewsRadio - December 3,2011

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report 2011.12.06

FFw/JB Podcast (12/8/2011): Bob Chapman


As we reach back into modern European history we see the unnatural amalgamation of 27-European countries, all of which are socially and culturally different. From our point of view the union was doomed from its inception. We lived for years in central Europe, spoke their languages and had a powerful outsider’s view of their cultures. Europe’s inhabitants generally were convinced that the union would prevent future wars and bring peace to Europe. Unfortunately, all they did was trade Perfidious Albion, Hitler and Mussolini for the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs and Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase. The same gang that financed WWII from both sides. It is important to understand the real history of Europe, not that fed to us in universities, where almost solely the victors write the books. As you know there are two sides to everything.
There are not only 6 sovereign nations that are insolvent, but because of the interconnectivity created by the EU and the euro zone the financial misery has spread to otherwise solvent nations. They bought the debt of 6 sovereigns and it was proper that they do so. For France, as a result, they may face a double downgrade in their debt ratings.
We continue to hear that the ECB purchased all the bad debt of the banks and sovereigns to clear the decks, but under present treaty the ECB is specifically prohibited from doing so. That is why US Treasury Secretary Geithner is in Europe this week. He is to show Europe the error of its ways, change the treaties and model the ECB after the US Fed. The players won’t solve any long-term problems, but it will give Europe and the ECB the leverage to work its way through today’s problems, and as a result create some fierce inflation. The later to them is the less of two evils. The players are now all well aware that existing debt to be neutralized is at least $6 trillion and if austerity is not followed the numbers will be higher. The European economies are now falling into recession and austerity could take Europe into depression. Remember, tax revenues will fall and impair the debtors’ ability to service their debt. It now becomes clear looking at the facts that the US and Europe all have similar problems, they are all broke, along with the major banks and they know full well money and credit creation will not solve their long-term problems. The game is being moved in this direction, because there is no other direction it can be moved into.
That is why European and US leaders are attempting to change the treaties to accommodate the money and credit creation potential of the ECB.
The issuance of new Eurobonds being created to restore long-term solvency is a non-starter, as opposed to changing the rules for the ECB. Both concepts just throw debt into the future, some 50 or 100 years away.
The concept being pushed as hard as the ECB becoming the Fed of Europe is the coordination of economic policies by a committee of 8 bureaucrats and 17 Secretaries of the Treasuries from the euro zone countries. These individuals would make all budgetary and fiscal choices for all 17 countries. In such a process each country would give up its sovereignty to a small group of bureaucrats devoted to the formation of World Government.
The alternative is to abandon the euro and the euro zone, which we believe is the real answer. Write off the bad debt and get on with life. Germany could be headed in this direction. We will know as we publish this weekend if there will be a new direction. The solutions offered are really those of the US and UK. The question is will the Europeans accept them? We do not know, but we do know that Germany and the Bundesbank will not accept any blame, after all those years of sacrifice to make everyone happy. Those days are gone forever. On the other hand is Germany trying to readopt the Deutschemark? We will have a better view after the weekend. Keep in mind 65% of Germans want out of the euro, out of further debt guarantees and many want out of the EU.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

IF Issue: Wednesday Dec 7, 2011

Excerpts and links from the latest issue:

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist - November 30, 2011

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist – November 30, 2011

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - December 2, 2011

Bob Chapman on the best places to Expatriate to

Bob Chapman/Liberty Radio

Bob Chapman - RealNewsRadio - December 3, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 02 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 05 Dec 2011


Even the middle of the road journalists are beginning to question Europe’s elected and appointed leadership. This past Monday the plan for the euro zone was laid out for a final capitulation to world government. The financial crisis has been handled from behind the scenes by the Fed, so that Germany’s Chancellor Merkel and France’s President can concentrate on more important matters, namely the final federalization of the euro zone to be followed by the entrapment of the remainder of the European Union.
The calls for major changes to the current treaties have little to do with the debt crisis. What these two emissaries of the world elitists are up to is to tear down the legal strength of monetary and political union of this unnatural association, and replace it with a stricter budgetary discipline known as the ESM, the European Stabilization Mechanism, this ostensibly to support countries in difficulty. Within this major change is a complete shift away from the original Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties, which is being done without the consent of the public in these countries. There is one exception to that in the case of Germany that must approve the changes.
On the 9th the final proposals will be laid out and agreed upon by various heads of state, some elected and some appointed. This “leadership” could care less what the people of these countries think. There are no trappings of democracy here, just the iron fist of Illuminist world ambitions. Any thinking, sophisticated person has to look on in disbelief at what is about to take place.
The plan is to have a committee of 8, assisted by 17 immunized finance ministers control the budgeting and fiscal policies of these 17 nations, which strips them of their sovereignty.
We read writer after writer and they do not have a clue as to what is being done to the people of these nations. They don’t know these appointments are all members of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers and former Goldman Sachs employees. If they do know they are ignoring its significance. This is where Messrs. Draghi, Monti and Papademos all came from appointed to take the euro zone and eventually the EU into world government.
We have studied these characters for more than 50 years and we know exactly what they are up too. It is the job of these 3 Sherpas to continue to advertise the increased risk to financial and economic conditions, if such treaty changes are not made. This is a charade to mislead and misdirect the people offering them the only way out. Unfortunately, as far as we know, our voice is the only one being heard in exposing the real intent of what is being pulled off. There is no question that there is an economic and financial debt crisis, but these treaty changes have little to do with that. Their key phrase is price stability when real EU inflation is running more than 7%.
Since July the ECB has refused to expand money and credit. A month ago control passed from the hands of Trichet to Draghi, who immediately lowered interest rates, which we predicted he would do - no one else made such a call. The ECB still hasn’t printed euros, but the Fed is going so in its stead. The ECB is buying Italian and Spanish bonds, but only about $20 billions worth. The ECB, known to few, has been sterilizing its sovereign debt buying by draining an equivalent amount of euros from the banking system. This is the antithesis what central banks do. The Trichet ECB wanted their actions not to create inflation. This is why inflation has held so well in Europe. That is all about to change as the FED takes over. The funds to purchase bonds and supply liquidity will be available to jump start Europe as inflation climbs.
All of the players knew austerity plans play well and eventually work to tear down an economy, but short term they are a loser. The only thing that works is more and more money and credit. Who wants to stop economic growth. Up until Draghi took over the euro has not been wantonly destroyed. Just be patient Draghi will end all that.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

IF Issue: Saturday Dec 3, 2011

Excerpts and links from the latest issue:


Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 30 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman - The Power Hour - November 28, 2011


Do we need central banks at all? It’s a good question. We have had the Federal Reserve since 1913 and their management has been a disaster for Americans and a wealth builder for its owners, the Wall Street banks. It has also allowed the financial sector to control our country. It is the seat of elitist power. The Fed has debauched the US dollar via their monopoly and enriched their owners beyond belief. Any entity that has to resort to the subterfuge of using a cloaking term, such as quantitative easing has to be a scam.
The Federal Reserve and other central banks were created to inflate currencies thereby depreciating them and in that process the owners of the Fed and their colleagues’ reaped enormous profits. Entities like the Fed have been doing this for centuries. You might say such a monopoly leads to currency debauchery. Reflecting on such a track record there is no reason to have central banks. A federal Treasury is all that is needed. Not that it is perfect, it is no worse then having a privately owned central bank. We have suffered under the Fed since 1913 and it is time to terminate the Fed and return our monetary authority to the US Treasury.
In the latest turn of events the Fed has mastermind another rescue in conjunction with the ECB. Europe hurting for cash, particularly US dollars, brought England, Japan, Switzerland and Canada and ECB into their latest money creation scheme. They will lower prices on dollar liquidity swaps on 12/2/11 and extend these swap subsidies until 12/01/13. What has happened as we pointed out previously is that US money market and pension funds dropped participation in short-term bond markets in Europe from 55% of assets to about 20% of assets. That meant European banks couldn’t function. The eventual outcome would be no dollar investments in Europe until their financial house is put in order.
In addition there are on again off again stories that the IMF has been talking with Italy and Spain. Both sides deny it and behind the scenes we are told talks have in fact been going on for weeks.
We can assure you that the dollar swap is really all coming from the Fed. England and Japan are probably window dressing and Switzerland and Canada may participate. This is a Fed operation. What confuses the public is misdirection engendered in utterances by policy makers. There is absolutely no coordination, which belies confusion, which leads to lack of belief in any statements. Again, the problem is not liquidity, but solvency. They are all broke and reorganization would take years to accomplish. They cannot do what they should do, and that is purge the system, because they’ll lose control and that is the key and seat of elitist power. If they do the right thing the public will then discover what they have been up too and they’ll end up where they belong, in jail.
These dollar loans will be run through the ECB, the European Central Bank, giving euro zone banks direct access to dollars. It is all subterfuge in order to continue the force short term. Additional liquidity is a stopgap measure, which not only deceives, but also is injurious in the long run. The result is the Fed will continue to prop up European financial markets with no solution in sight moving from one calamity to another until the systemically insolvent conditions take the system down. These players have many things they can pull yet, so don’t think the system can fail soon. It could take several more years and the result will be inflation, hyperinflation and higher gold and silver prices.