Wednesday, April 13, 2011

IF Issue: Wednesday April 13, 2011

Excerpts from the latest issue:

Bob Chapman w/Alan & Steve – starts at 10:44 OYMIreland (scroll down to show 40)

The Power Hour with Joyce Riley this morning. 


Neither government nor anyone is smarter than the markets. As they say the trend is your friend. All you have to do is get on for the ride. It’s really as simple as that. The trick is picking the trend. We were fortunate enough to pick gold and silver in June of 2000. We went long and stayed long all those years only occasionally making a trade. Every time there was a correction we recommended further purchases.
It has been unfortunate that the US government, other central banks, including the Federal Reserve, chose to attempt to manipulate those markets. They did retard the progress of these two metals and they are still doing so, but in the end they will fail, because the markets are far bigger than they are and the collective wisdom of investors will always triumph over the narrow desires of petty elitists.
There certainly are two sides to every market. On one side you have the vested interests, who generally do not really understand the functions of gold and silver historically, they’ll never understand and don’t really care to understand. This might be called the establishment viewpoint. In fact the entrenchment is so deep that people who believe in gold and silver are scorned and some brokerage houses won’t even allow trades in gold and silver shares, coins and bullion. We ran into this problem as long ago as the early 1960s. In fact it forced us to become a principal of a firm as long ago as 1968. The rise of gold and silver threatens the status quo. If you see the values of gold and silver you threaten the fiat system and how it fleeces the investors.
Then we have those who should know better who attempt to out guess the precious metals market and in that process prove to be consistently wrong costing their subscribers and others losses and as important lost opportunities. All to often it is the pursuit of fame and challenging a market that cannot be challenged. Usually unfortunate decisions are due to a lack of knowledge or a penchant to sensationalize in order to capitalize. This often leads to some pretty dumb decisions. Over the last $500 move in gold, and $30.00 move in silver we have seen 96% of letter writers, economists and analysts render wrong decisions. We do not find that surprising, because most of them have never been in the belly of the beast nor do they know history, particularly economic and financial history.
For many years we have faced the deliberate and gradual destruction of our economic and financial system by those who want to be mega-rich and to implement world government. The global monetary system is being deliberately imploded, particularly in the US, UK and Europe, the regions of great success over the past 1,000 years. Creating and forcing an edge does not work. Such opportunities come naturally if you are doing the right thing and understand the history and reasons why things are happening the way they are. There is a big picture, but you have to understand all the facets that make the picture complete. Those who wallow in mediocrity can and do cost investors lots of money and lost opportunities.
Gold and silver are intimately intertwined in our lives as a standard and store of value, but there are those who have told us over the centuries that fiat money is better. History has proven over and over that is not true. Such thinking has destroyed many civilizations.
